Editing Course Access Method
At Dozent LMS WordPress Plugin, we believe in empowering our users to the fullest. We also think about the developer community. Hence, we are offering the system of editing course access methods so that you can alter the currently available methods and make a method as you prefer. The following codes will help you add/remove/update course access methods for Dozent LMS. Add these codes to your course themes, activated themes, or functions.php
to accomplish the task.
Note: Add these codes to your child theme’s functions.php
file or use a plugin that allows you to add custom functions. If you add these codes to the parent theme’s functions.php
file, it will be completely erased when you update the theme.
Remove access methods
To remove an access method, use this snippet:
// Remove access methods
add_filter( 'dozent_course_access_methods', 'remove_dozent_course_access_methods' );
if ( ! function_exists( 'remove_dozent_course_access_methods' ) ) {
function remove_dozent_course_access_methods( $methods ){
if ( isset( $methods[ 'public' ] ) ) {
unset( $methods[ 'public' ] );
if ( isset( $methods[ 'protected' ] ) ) {
unset( $methods[ 'protected' ] );
return $methods;
Add course methods
To add a new course access method, use the following snippet:
// Add course methods
add_filter( 'dozent_course_access_methods', 'add_dozent_course_access_methods' );
if ( ! function_exists( 'add_dozent_course_access_methods' ) ) {
function add_dozent_course_access_methods( $methods ){
$methods['extra_method'] = [
'label' => __( 'Extra Method', 'textdomain' ),
'description' => __( 'Extra access method for this course', 'textdomain' ),
'inner_callback' => 'extra_method_callback_function',
//add function and write some html to show when user will select this method
return $methods;
Edit course method’s label or description
To edit the label or description of your course access method, use this snippet:
// Edit Course methods label or description
add_filter( 'dozent_course_access_methods', 'edit_dozent_course_access_methods', 99 );
if ( ! function_exists( 'edit_dozent_course_access_methods' ) ) {
function edit_dozent_course_access_methods( $methods ){
//Where 'closed' is your course access method's key
$methods['closed'][ 'label' ] = __( 'Updated Label', 'textdomain' );
$methods['closed'][ 'description' ] = __( 'Updated Description', 'textdomain' );
return $methods;
With these snippets, you can easily edit, add, and/or remove access methods for all your Dozent LMS courses.